Careers, UCAS & A-level Subject Choices
There is an extensive Careers Programme programme in the Sixth Form. Enrichment sessions on Thursdays (run by the Sixth Form Team) include extensive preparation for careers and Higher Education. Students meet with a diverse range of speakers, attend a Higher Education conference and visit a university for mock lectures and personal statement preparation.
Year 12 students commence work on their UCAS (university) applications in the Spring Term and are offered 1:1 careers advice when choosing university courses. UCAS applications are finalised in the Autumn Term of Year 13.
Sixth Formers in Year 12 and 13 are encouraged to carry out further work experience, to gain skills such as team working, communication and commercial awareness, which are sought by employers, especially at graduate level. The Careers Adviser can help with this.
Pupils and parents are encouraged to access 1:1 careers advice with Miss Monk throughout their school life whenever the need occurs. They also benefit from regular tutorials, assemblies and other careers-themed events and activities organised by the Careers Department.
The School has partnered with the INVESTIN organisation that offer 'life-changing, immersive career programmes for ages 12-18'. Click HERE to visit their website for details of the many weekend and summer programmes they offer.
Spring ProgrammePartner School Flyer
Guide to Sixth Form & A-level Options for September 2024
UCAS Tarrif ExplainedAbout ApprenticeshipsUCAS - Researching Universities & Degree Courses
Careers Plan 2020-21Sample CVRussell Group Informed Choices
What A-level or BTEC subjects should you choose?
According to choosing a handful of subjects to take at A-level (or BTEC) isn't a decision you should take lightly. The A-levels (BTECs) you pick now can impact what you do later, namely the courses you can apply to at university (and which universities will consider you). That said, if you don't know what you want to do in the future, you can still make smart choices now that will leave you in the best position in two years' time. Follow our six steps further down and you won't go wrong with your A-level choices..."
1. Taking certain A-level subjects will open up more university course options
Your teachers or careers adviser may talk to you about facilitating subjects; but what are they exactly? Facilitating subjects are a handful of A-level subjects commonly asked for in universities’ entry requirements, regardless of the course you’re applying to – this makes them a good choice to keep your degree options open.
modern and classical languages
If you don’t know what you’ll want to study at university, it can pay off later to take one or two of these. Be aware, some universities openly discourage students from taking certain combinations of A-level subjects, particularly when subjects are very similar like business studies and economics – something to bear in mind when you're making A-level choices. As you’ll see below, some degree subjects or specific universities will ask for certain A-level subjects in their entry requirements...
2. A-levels are a lot tougher than GCSEs
The reason you take a particular subject at A-level will come down to one (or more) of these three scenarios (usually):
you need it to pursue a particular career
it’s a subject you enjoy and are good at
it’s a subject you’ve not studied before but you think will suit you
Either way, be prepared for a big jump in the level of difficulty when you transition from GCSE to AS-level (or any other Advanced level qualification for that matter).
You’ll also see differences in the way you’re taught and in what is expected of you.
3. Certain uni courses will look for specific A-levels
This is really important if you have a particular degree in mind. You won’t be able to apply to some degree courses without having taken some specific A-levels (and scored the right grades in them too, of course).
Below are a few examples to give you an idea of what to expect (some are no-brainers)…
Pharmacy must have: chemistry, plus at least one from biology, maths and physics
English must have: usually English literature, maybe English literature and language or English language
Geology / earth sciences must have: at least two from maths, physics, chemistry and biology
Economics sometimes need: maths, very rarely do you need economics
For more guidance on what to study at A-level to go on to particular degree subjects, see our full list of uni subjects for more information about their typical A-level requirements. Tip: check out the full entry requirement details for a handful of courses across different unis to make sure you’re ticking all the boxes within your subject.
4. Some courses and unis have lists of subjects they don’t accept
Particular courses – take, for instance, an architecture course at the University of Bath – will view certain A-levels as less effective preparation for university studies than others. Similarly, some universities – such as the University of Sheffield – actually list which A-level subjects they prefer. Others, like the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), have ‘non-preferred’ subject lists.
If your subject choices don’t match up, you shouldn’t necessarily discount the course, or be put off from taking a creative or vocational A-level subject you’re really interested in. Just make sure you're satisfying an entry requirements with the other A-level subjects you're taking. Taking a subject such as history of art, classical civilisation, economics, geology, government and politics, law, media studies, philosophy, psychology, religious studies and sociology in conjunction with at least one (ideally two) of the facilitating subjects listed above shouldn’t be an issue, if you get the grades.
5. Know myth from reality
Don’t take everything you hear at face value or based on what a friend/older sibling/girlfriend's hairdresser says – the reality might be quite different. It's always worth investigating things yourself so you get the full picture.
While entry requirements are often a minimum set of criteria you have to meet, a university may view you differently from another candidate based on your personal statement or your portfolio if your predicted grades just miss the mark. Don't rely on preconceived assumptions or what you hear through someone else from their experience. Double-check your facts with the university or department themselves.
6. Many unis and courses will consider you whatever you choose
Question: Accountancy, anthropology, archaeology, banking, business studies, classical civilisations, hospitality, information science, law, management, marketing, media studies, philosophy, politics, psychology, public relations, religious studies/theology, retail management, social work, sociology, surveying, television, travel and tourism…
What do these subjects have in common? Answer: They will all consider a very wide range of A-level choices and do not normally have essential subject requirements! So don't get too bogged down in essential A-levels you have to take.
[The above information 1-6 is from]
Teaching staff
Head of Department: Miss Monk (Careers Guidance)