Wrap Around Care
In The Morning Before School
Early Morning Care is available from 07:30hrs until the beginning of school in Glyn House. Details of Early Morning Care, including cost and a booking form, are available via My School Portal.
Pupils may arrive from 08:00am and stay with their parent/guardian until 8.15am when children should start to make their way to class. Pupils must arrive by 08:30am as the gate will be locked at this time when form time will begin. If a child is late, their parent/guardian should call the Glyn House telephone number for the gate to be unlocked.
The End Of The School Day
We have a staggered pick up at the end of the school day to ease congestion:
Reception to Year 4 should be collected at 15:50hrs
Year 5 & Year 6 should be collected at 16:00hrs
All pupils should be collected from Glyn House at their allotted collection time, where they are signed out by Period 7 teachers. No cars should be parked in Church Street as it is dangerous to move between the parked cars. Parents should ensure that their child always knows who is collecting him or her at the end of the school day. If a child has an older sibling in the Senior School, they can be picked up by them provided the Prep School has written notice in advance.
Year 6 pupils are allowed to arrive and leave school unaccompanied, provided parents/guardians have given email consent to the Glyn House Office at prepschool@ewellcastle.co.uk.
After School Care is available from 16:10hrs until 18:00hrs.
Please be sure to take note of where clubs are being held so that parents/guardians know, for example, if they should be collecting their child from the Senior School gates rather than the Glyn House building. In addition, be sure to familiarise yourse lf with any fixture/match details and whether that particular match is to be played at ‘home’ or ‘away’ and the finish/collection time via SOCS.
To Book A Place
To book a place at Early Morning Care or After School Care, parents/guardians should complete the booking form available on My School Portal.
On rare occasions, it may be necessary to request one off/emergency placement in Early Morning Care or After School Care. In these circumstances, parents/guardians should telephone the Prep School Office (020 8394 3579) as early as possible to check that space is available.