Reception (EYFS)

Reception (EYFS)


It is so important that children are given the best possible start in school, particularly in those crucial early years, in order to shape their education and beyond. Our Reception experience does just that. We are proud of our facilities and foster a sense of play and practical learning in and out of the classroom, with so much green space, especially in our Forest School. We recognise that young children thrive and develop best when they have access to stimulating outdoor environments. In Reception, this freedom to explore and create is essential in supporting our children to achieve their Early Learning Goals. 

We follow and enquiry based approach and have high expectations of our learnings in a supportive and nurturing environment. Our SENCo works closely with our pupils to ensure that any needs are particularly supported at an early stage. 

Alongside their dedicated class teacher, the children are taught by our talented specialist teachers and exposed to curriculum content that extends far beyond the National Curriculum. This includes lessons such as Forest School, sport, music and French.


Reception Curriculum 24-25


Pastoral Care

Each pupil in Reception is assigned a Key Practitioner and this member of staff is responsible for monitoring the pupils’ progress and welfare throughout the year.

Our staff of qualified and experienced Early Years Practitioners, work closely with parents to ensure that each child’s individual needs are met in a safe, caring and stimulating environment that exceeds the requirements of the Early Years curriculum. Throughout their time in Reception, the children’s progress is monitored, both formally and informally, and parents receive regular reports on their child’s achievements.  

From a child’s very first day at Ewell Castle we lay the foundation for a love of learning that will remain with them throughout the course of their school life, providing a foundation for future success.


Not only do Reception have two Physical Education lessons a week with our trained PE staff, but they have a weekly Yoga session.  This helps the children to learn how to control and balance by using their parts of the body, mind and spirit.  Yoga strengthens physical development even for very young children. At this stage they are learning how to balance, whether lying down or bending, standing and balancing. These lessons take place either in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) building or in the playground.

The PE curriculum follows the Early Years Framework and the skills taught aim to support the children’s development of their fundamental movement skills.
In the summer, Reception will take part in a Sports Morning that showcases the skills that they have learnt in PE throughout the year.


Forest School and Outdoor Learning for Pupils in Early Years

Forest School is a Scandinavian concept that puts freedom of play and exploration in the hands of the child. Our Reception children enjoy weekly timetabled Forest School sessions at Glyn House, where our qualified Forest School Leaders support the natural curiosity children exhibit in the world around them.  

During this time, children can choose to occupy themselves however they wish in the freedom of the outdoor space we have within our mature walled garden. This might draw them into making mud pies, den building, bug hunting, sailing a ‘pirate ship’ (made out of logs and tyres!) getting muddy, rolling in leaves or splashing in puddles. These weekly Forest School sessions give our youngest pupils the opportunity to explore, climb, swing, balance, jump and stretch. Children build confidence, resilience, independence and develop their own creativity through their play. Research proves that both mental and physical wellbeing benefit from this increased connection to nature. 

With the freedom to make their own explorations and discoveries, without realising it, children are developing effective communication, problem solving and negotiation. They are improving their ability to adapt to changing situations and understanding how to take responsibility for themselves; life skills they’ll need for adulthood. In addition, at Ewell Castle, we aim to engender a lifelong love of nature and the outdoors; benefitting pupils’ health and wellbeing as well as developing a social responsibility for our environment.    

In 2023 a generous donation from the PTA enabled us to install a large weather resistant teepee within our grounds allowing for all-weather learning in the outdoors. This structure not only allows us to bring more learning into the outdoors but can also double up as Santa’s Grotto or to relocate a camp fire in wet weather! 


Creative and Performing Arts

Performing Arts (Music and Drama)

Our children are offered plenty of opportunities to enhance and showcase their performance skills.  Music is taught by one of our specialist teachers on a weekly basis to all year groups.  We have a number of assemblies and productions throughout the academic year in which all pupils are involved.

Creative Curriculum

It is important to ensure that our children's learning is as engaging as possible.  To this end, we use the creative curriculum approach to teach many of our subjects with topics being changed termly or half termly.  This allows teachers to create purposeful links between different subjects and allows children to make valuable contributions that will benefit the learning of the class as a whole.  Trips each term will be based around the topics being taught.  

Our creative curriculum lessons provide opportunities for pupils to build confidence while improving their critical thinking skills by engaging in hands-on discovery activities



In addition to a variety of activities, our Reception children also learn French, Music, Art and IT and have the opportunity to join weekly ballet lessons. For all children, basic skills in speaking, listening, literacy and numeracy are achieved. Independence and self-confidence are fostered and children are encouraged to be kind and considerate to others. 

Day Trips

Reception children learn best with a ‘hands-on’ approach and thoroughly enjoy trips. Other trips include educational visits to museums and theatres, and additionally, theatre companies and authors also visit the children at the School.