Co-Curricular Clubs & Trips

Co-Curricular Clubs & Trips

Co-Curricular Clubs

Brand NEW PREP Co-Curricular Clubs Handbook 2024-25 - click here

We are lucky enough to have an enthusiastic team of talented teachers who run a wide selection of clubs after School. This offering is generously supplemented by outside providers, many of whom have worked with Ewell Castle School for several years.

A number of clubs are incredibly popular and remain on our calendar throughout the year. Others will change dependent on the interests of the children and the seasons. At the end of each term, the new schedule is circulated to all parents. Enough time is given to allow every family to discuss options. We then open our booking system on a first-come-first-served basis. School staff offer their clubs free of charge ( or a very small fee for resources such as cooking club) whilst outside providers charge parents termly. 

The table below gives you an indication of the many clubs that have been offered over the past three years.

Street Dance LAMDA
Ballet Drama
Yoga Lego
Key Stage 1 sports  Sewing
Cross Country Eco
Athletics Mindful colouring
Football Cookery
Judo Hama beads
Ball Skills Origami
Gymnastics  Chess
Circuit training  Touch typing
  Library and accelerated reader

Trips and Visits

Prep pupils have many opportunities to go on educational, cultural, community, sports and team-building trips throughout the year within Surrey, London and further afield starting with the Three Peaks Day trip in mid-September for Years 3 to 6.  Further trips and visits include attending ceremonies and celebrations of Harvest Festival at St Mary's Church, Ewell, Christmas carol singing at local care homes and the Ashley Centre in Epsom and attending Remembrance events at Bourne Hall, Ewell. 

There are also theatre visits, public speaking opportunities, trips to museums and outdoor visits to farms, woodlands and rivers. Pupils are also taken to watch sporting events such as netball, football, hockey and rugby matches, as well as enjoying overnight trips to the Isle of Wight, Farms for City Children in Devon and the Prep Ski trip to Austria.