Ewellian Email Bulletin Content
Ewellian Email Bulletin Content
Dear Old Ewellian
February summary
Has Spring arrived early in the UK? It's certainly a lot warmer than when the previous e bulletin went out. We really felt for our OE friends in the US and Canada during the extreme cold weather. Do email in any interesting 'snow' photos from your neck of the woods, the best will feature in a forthcoming e bulletin.
In this month's bulletin you will find; details of forthcoming events, the Golf Day, an update from the digital archive, two new regular features "Danny's World of Sport" from OE/sports journalist Danny Archer as well as RHS gardening tips for February, an update on the castle basement and some sad news about the passing of a former pupil. Keep emailng us your "Where are they now?" updates for publication in a future issue. Look out for our new format OE e bulletin next month, which will feature lots more photos.
2019 OE & School Events https://www.ewellcastle.co.uk/old-ewellians/events/
School Production of Little Shop of Horrors: Epsom Playhouse, 27th & 28th February - tickets on sale to OEs via Epsom Playhouse
PTA Comedy and Curry Night at the Castle: this Saturday 2nd March - details on the website - click on the above link
OEs, pupils and parent singers needed for a Massed Choral Project - Faure's Requiem - Wednesday 27th March St Mary's Church, Ewell
OE vs Senior Girls Netball Match - Afternoon of Wednesday 3rd April - spectators welcome
OE Golf Day at Kingswood Golf Club: 26th April - email Carol to book your place.
OE event: Afternoon Tea and Reunion at the Castle: Saturday 8th June 2.30pm-4.30pm
OEs vs 1st Team Cricket Match - Ewell Cricket Club: 3rd July, spectators welcome
OE Golf Day - 26th April Kingswood Golf Club, Surrey
The ever popular OE Golf Day is at Kingswood Golf & Country Club on Friday 26th April. Timings: arrival at midday for lunch followed by golf and supper in the evening. If you can't make the golf or don't play golf but would like to come along just for lunch and/or for supper in the evening, this is also possible. Email me at c.hernandez@ewellcastle.co.uk to reserve your place as soon as possible. The price to attend the whole event which includes; sandwich and chips lunch, 18 holes of golf and a golfers grill supper followed by coffee or tea is £55.00. The cost for just the lunch is £8.00, and if you only wish to attend the golfers grill supper, the cost is £14.00. Just let us know what you would like to do. We will be in touch about payments nearer the time.
Former Pupil - Alexander (Alex) Tague: 1982 - 2019
It is with sadness that we report of the passing of former pupil Alex Tague, who was taken from his family and friends far too young earlier this month. Alex enjoyed many happy years as a pupil at Ewell Castle School, especially playing rugby and being involved in music. He studied for his A Levels in the Sixth Form before going on to university and later a career in IT. Alex leaves behind his daughter, 18 month old Evie. Alex's parents Celeste and Gerry have asked us to share details of Alex's funeral arrangements with his School friends and former teachers, who are welcome to attend the funeral at 1.30pm on Monday 4th March at Croydon Crematorium, East Chapel, Mitcham Road, Croydon, CR9 3AT. Please email Gerry at gerrytague@hotmail.com if you would like to attend.
Danny’s World Of Sport - By Danny Archer
Despite being born 30 years after England’s greatest triumph in the 1966 World Cup, the legacy of that most iconic achievement is something which is an ever-present memory not just for me personally, but of course for English football and fans across the country. In an age of the swinging 60s where fashion, music and sport collided to create a country characterised by flair, style and sophistication, “The Boys of 66” helped foster the continued obsession we have with the beautiful game. Earlier this month, the great Gordon Banks, arguably England’s finest goalkeeper and the man who proudly wore his yellow England jersey between the sticks in that fateful day in 1966, died at the age of 81. I was struck by the wide array of kind words and condolences passed on to Gordon’s family by well-wishers who remembered what a remarkably kind man he was. As well as his integral role in the 1966 triumph, Banks’ arguably most iconic moment came in the 1970 World Cup in Mexico where he produced a spectacular save to deny the Brazilian magician Pele a surefire goal - a save which Pele himself consistently remarks that he is remembered for. Following this year’s World Cup in Russia and the agony and ecstasy of seeing England play good football, win a penalty shoot-out and reach the semi-finals was of course etched with sadness following our defeat to Croatia in that stage of the competition. However, Banks’ death highlights the enduring legacy of 1966 and the hold the victory of Sir Alf Ramsey’s side continues to have on the country. It underlines the importance of history and why men like Banks will never be forgotten - that is the beauty of sport.
New in the Digital Archive
We have recently added some new documents, photos and audio and LPs to the School digital archive including; Castle Jazz Returns, Omnibus, Pilgrim and Portraits. Email oldewellians@ewellcastle.co.uk for a username and password to access the archive.
Renovation of Castle Basement Changing Rooms, finally .....
Many of you will remember the less than modern basement changing rooms in the Castle building. These are finally being renovated and when the work is finished in July will include brand new changing rooms, toilets and showers. We will add share photos of the finished work when complete.
Who Do You Keep in Touch with?
We'd love to share Old Ewellian and School news via email with more OEs, but need your help. Please email Carol a list of your School buddies that you're still in touch with so we can see if we have their email addresses.
(RHS) Royal Horticultural Society Gardening Jobs for February
1: Prepare vegetable seed beds, and sow some vegetables under cover
2: Chit potato tubers
3: Protect blossom on apricots, nectarines and peaches
4: Net fruit and vegetable crops to keep the birds off
5: Prune winter-flowering shrubs that have finished flowering
6: Divide bulbs such as snowdrops, and plant those that need planting 'in the green'
7: Prune Wisteria
8: Prune hardy evergreen hedges and renovate overgrown deciduous hedges
9: Prune conservatory climbers such as bougainvillea
10: Cut back deciduous grasses left uncut over the winter, remove dead grass from evergreen grasses
Where Are They Now? Moved House or Changed Job?
Let us know if you've moved house or changed jobs. Also, we're always looking for volunteers to feature in the "Where are they now" section, please email Carol at oldewellians@ewellcastle.co.uk if you'd like us to feature you.
Best wishes
Carol Hernandez - Alumni Office