Ewellian Email Bulletin Content
Ewellian Email Bulletin Content
How to turn an apron into a round of golf for 4 people
The Science, Art and Design Technology Departments are in desperate need of new protective aprons, lab coats as well as protective goggles and we need the help of Old Ewellians like you in replacing them.
For each £20.00 donated, we will be able to buy a new set, comprising a DT/Science/Art apron and pair of safety goggles. Every £20.00 donated gives donors a separate chance to win a round of golf for four in a prize draw*.
Funds can be transfered to the School Barclays bank account adding "apron" as a reference, or send in a cheque payable to "Ewell Castle School" to the Finance Office marked "apron".
Sort code: 20-29-90
Account: 30357960
Prize Draw Terms and conditions: Every £20.00 donated affords the donor a separate entry into the round of golf prize draw. A minimum number of 10 donations of £20.00 each must be reached by the closing date in order for the prize draw to take place. The competition closing date is 31-12-18, the winner will be selected at random from donor entries on 04-01-19 and announced in the January 2019 OE ebulletin. The round of golf for four people must be taken by 31st March 2019.
2019 OE Events - see website for details
- Epsom Playhouse: ECS Production of Little Shop of Horrors 27th & 28th February
- Comedy and Curry Night at the Castle: March - date tbc
- Golf Day at Kingswood Golf Club: 26th April
- Afternoon Tea at the Castle: Saturday 8th June 2.30pm-4.30pm
- Cricket Match at Ewell Cricket Club: 3rd July
Would you like a Prize Giving Cup named after you?
If you would like to sponsor an existing School prize, email Carol at oldewellians@ewellcastle.co.uk for further details. Prize donors will be invited to attend Prize Giving and will be acknowledged within the annual Ewellian Magazine.
OE university student a Work Internship/Placement?
If you own a business or your company offers work placements for undergraduates or post graduate students, we would love to hear from you. We'll then put you in touch with potential OE candidates. Email Carol at oldewellians@ewellcastle.co.uk.
Where are they now?
Former pupil Sean Sullivan 1992-1999
Sean attended the Senior School between 1992 and 1999 finishing up as Head Boy. Away from studying he enjoyed working on the School newspaper and representing the School at rugby, chess and debating. He remembers fondly Mr Cohen's trips to Paris, rugby tours and a School visit for seemingly no particular purpose to the States. Sean left Ewell Castle with A-levels in French, Maths and History and went on to study Law at St. Edmund Hall, Oxford University.
He has worked since as a barrister at 9 Bedford Row, London, specialising in the prosecution and defence of allegations of serious crime. He's glad to report that he has not come across anyone connected with the school in his line of work.
Being defeated as the Conservative candidate in the school's 1997 mock General Election did not put him off politics leading to him being elected as an Epsom & Ewell councillor and contesting the 2010 General Election, this time for real. Now living in central London his connection to the school is maintained by serving as a Governor.
Former pupil Christopher (Kris) Ickemeyer – Pupil 1985-1994
When he left Ewell Castle he went to the University of the West of England to study Building Services Engineering. However, he enjoyed his time at School so much that some would say that he never left, as he's regularly back in his professional role as owner of TCS Solutions Ltd a mechanical services and engineering company which maintains the School boilers, heating and plumbing!
Some of his favourite lessons included German with Mrs Young and DT with Mr Thompson as well as Mr Bland, if you were in the same Sixth Form DT classes as Kris you may recall a few planned as well as last minute trips to exhibitions in London and further afield! Then there was the storm of ’87 which took down a few of the specimen trees in the grounds one of which flattened Mr Backs’ car. Mr Miller and the team were kept busy clearing trees and sorting out the grounds for some time.
When he was at School, the blazer had just changed from striped burgundy to the royal blue with the red and blue braiding trim, Christine ruled the kitchen and school dinners were cooked in what is now the administration office and were served in the Castle Hall, what is now the staff work room used to be the Sixth Form Common Room. The annual firework display was held in the playground of the Junior School in Chessington Lodge and the lake still had water in it and although by then it was no longer used for swimming it never stopped boys larking around trying to push others into it. Some members of staff such as Mr Hadden, Mr Beaumont and Mr Thompson all lived on site but the boarders had long gone.
Other funny memories include the Deputy Head Mr Knock shaving off his beard for Comic Relief, theatre productions and History Reviews with Mr Cohen and Jane Heart, School trips to Boulogne and Paris with Mr Cohen as well as his French lessons. These sometimes involved the unusual task of having to stand on desks reciting French verbs and other vocab even when the Principal walked in with a prospective pupil and his family. Such a thing would seem unimaginable in most schools, but then Ewell Castle School is not and never was ‘most schools’! You can get in touch with Kris at kris@tcs-solutions.co.uk.
To feature in the "Where are they now" section, please email Carol at oldewellians@ewellcastle.co.uk.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all Old Ewellians a very peaceful and joyous festive period and a happy New Year.
Carol Hernandez
Alumni Office
During this festive season we thought you might like to see the School covered in snow. Thanks to former Head of Science Mr Roffey for taking this lovely photo.