Ewellians Association & Committee
Ewellians Association
The purpose of the Ewell Castle School Alumni Association is to provide an organisation to serve and to promote the mutual interests of Ewell Castle School and its alumni through and in collaboration with the Development (Fundraising) and Alumni Relations Office. All former pupils of Ewell Castle School (leaving aged 16 or above) and former staff and governors are automatically members of the Ewellian Association. There are no subscriptions. Current parents, current staff and current pupils however, are not members, as they are automatically members of the PTA (Parent Teacher Association).
The Ewellians Association committee meets termly at the School. Details of the current committee members can be found below, but all Ewellians are welcome to put themselves forward for committee membership. Younger members are particularly sought, so if you would like to help us drive the association forward for the benefit of its members and the School, please contact Carol Hernandez at oldewellians@ewellcastle.co.uk
We are currently looking for volunteers to become Year and or Decade Representatives and are particularly keen to recruit a 1990s Decade Representative and a 2000s Decade Representative. Get in touch to find out more.
Committee Members
President – Mr Silas Edmonds
Chair – Mr Michael Brunwin
Executive Officer – Mr Geoff Holland
Secretary – Ms Carol Hernandez
1940s and 1950s Representative – Mr Michael (Mike) Brunwin
1960s Representative – Mr Colin Griffith and Mr Peter Bell
1970s Representative – Mr Geoff Holland, Mr Charles (Charlie) Fowle, Mr Anthony (Tony) Gow and Mr Anthony (Tony) Rochfort
1980s Representative – Mr Terrence (Terry) Nicolls and Mr Andrew (Andy) Hall
1990s Representative – Mr Christopher (Chris) Ickemeyer
2000s Representative – Mr Phillip (Phil) Edwards and Mr William (Will) Chipperton
2010s Representatives – LOOKING FOR NEW RECRUITS
2020s Representatives - LOOKING FOR NEW RECRUITS