Ewell Castle Ewellian Community 

To access the Ewell Castle Ewellian Community, simply click on this link  https://oldewellians.ewellcastle.co.uk/

Who is it for and what is the benefit of the new website?

All Ewellians (former pupils aged 18 years and above*, former staff, former Ewell Castle School Governors as well as current staff and current School Governors) are welcome to join and the purpose is to make it easier to connect with eachother and others in the School community.    * Former pupils aged 16 to 18 years of age will continue to receive the regular e bulletins and any relevant invitation emails to attend sporting and social events, however, they will not have access to the new Ewell Castle Ewellian Community website and private portal until they are 18 years of age.

What will the new website provide that the Ewellian pages of the School website do not?

Quite simply, the new website and private portal is interactive and allows users to submit content.  The new website has the following pages: Network, News, Careers, Clubs, Events, Photos, Resources, Archive, Committee, Bursaries and Legacies.  The Clubs page allows you to connect and communicate directly with other members of that Club and the Events page allows you to confirm your attendance at an event simply by clicking one button.  Your profile photo will then appear on that particular Event page, so other Ewellians can see that you will be attending.

How can I access the new website?

All Ewellians whose current email address the School Alumni Office has on its database should have received an invitation email week on Wednesday 23rd February 2022.  You can just just follow the instructions and JOIN.  Those Ewellians whose current email address the School does not have (if you do not receive regular Ewellian e bulletins, this means we do not have your email address) will need to email oldewellians@ewellcastle.co.uk to request access to join.

Can anyone access the new website and view content?

Anyone can view the homepage if they know the https://oldewellians.ewellcastle.co.uk/  and some of the introductory panels on each page. However, unless they have JOINED and are logged in to the page, they will not be able to get beyond the introductory section.  This means that a non logged in user can view the Photos home page and see what photo folders are availble, but they will not be able to access or view all the photos saved wtihin each folder, unless they have JOINED and are logged in.