Old Ewellians Golf Day – Friday 24th April 2020: Kingswood Golf & Country Club, Sandy Lane, Kingswood, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20 6NE
The ever-popular OE Golf Day will once again take place at Kingswood Golf & Country Club on Friday 24th April 2020.
Timings: arrival at midday for lunch followed by golf and supper in the evening. If you can't make the golf or don't play golf but would like to come along just for lunch and/or for supper and social in the evening, this is also possible. Please email Colin Griffith who is organising the event at to reserve your place as soon as possible and give him your golf handicap.
Golf - Full Day
The price to attend the whole event is £55.00 and this includes: sandwiches and chips lunch, 18 holes of golf and a golfers grill supper followed by coffee or tea.
Golf - Lunch Only
The cost for just the lunch is £8.00
Golf - Dinner Only
If you only wish to attend the golfers grill supper, the cost is £14.00.
Just let us know what you would like to do. Please pay Ewell Castle School via bank transfer to the School’s bank account: Barclays Bank: Sort code: 20-29-90 Account: 30357960