Scholarships and Bursaries
External Candidate Brochure: 11+, 13+ and 16+ For Sept 2026 - Updated Brochure Coming Soon
Important Notice
All candidates applying for a scholarship should complete and submit:
- The scholarship application form downloadable at the bottom of this page AND
- The necessary requirements as stipulated by each department in the Scholarship Brochure
Please note that scholarships and bursaries are only available for pupils at the Senior School and Sixth Form
The Difference Between Scholarships and Bursaries
Both scholarships and bursaries are ways of offering pupils reduced fees. Scholarships are offered to very able pupils and bursaries are offered to pupils who can demonstrate the need for financial support (ISI - Independent Schools Council). At Ewell Castle School it is possible to apply both for a scholarship and a bursary for entry at 11+, 13+ and Sixth Form. All scholarships at Ewell Castle School (other than Year 7 academic scholarships*) must be applied for, and all bursaries must be applied for by the application deadline (see bottom of this page).
*All Year 7 pupils sitting the entrance assessments are automatically considered for an academic scholarship, you do not have to apply.
September 2026 Entry into the Senior School
Candidates wishing to be considered for a Senior School academic scholarship must attend the Entrance Assessment Day on Thursday 20th November 2025. Any candidate sitting the assessments on the reserve date cannot apply for a scholarship. The morning will include assessments in Maths and English , which are based on the National Curriculum content. The Maths paper and the first part of the English paper (comprehension task) will be conducted as an online assessment taking place within the School. All pupils will have access to a device to complete the assessments. There will also be a hand-written creative writing task that forms the second part of the English paper. Practical assessments for scholarship applications will take place in the afternoon. Outcome letters will be sent, and places offered by Christmas.
- The application deadline, including scholarships and to register an interest in receiving a bursary application pack is Friday 31st October 2025 for both 11+, 13+ and 16+ entry.
- The Art, Photography and DT portfolio submission deadline is Friday 31st October 2025.
- Senior School Entrance Assessment Day and Scholarship Day is Thursday 20th November 2025.
- Senior School Entrance Assessment reserve date is Friday 28th November 2025.
Internal Ewell Castle School Candidates:
For 11+ internal candidates
Ewell Castle School offers scholarships at Year 7 (11+) in a range of areas:
All pupils are automatically assessed through the Entrance Examination which includes assessments in English and Mathematics. The morning will include assessments in Maths and English , which are based on the National Curriculum content. The Maths paper and the first part of the English paper (comprehension task) will be conducted as an online assessment taking place within the School. All pupils will have access to a device to complete the assessments. There will also be a hand-written creative writing task that forms the second part of the English paper. Practical assessments for scholarship applications will take place in the afternoon.
Candidates applying for a Sport scholarship will be assessed across all four of our core sports: Cricket, Football, Netball and Rugby |
Candidates applying for Year 7 scholarships are automatically assessed for an Academic scholarship PLUS they can apply for:
- One Creative Arts scholarship
- One Sport Scholarship
Parents of Year 6 pupils at Ewell Castle Prep School should contact the relevant Heads of Department if they are thinking of applying for any of the scholarship and these teachers will be able to advise them. . A letter of recommendation from the candidate's current relevant teacher/Head of Department/tutor, etc should be submitted with the relevant application form.
The deadline for applications is Friday 31st October 2025, please email all applications to
Scholarship day is Thursday 20th November 2025.
Please email Emily at to request the Scholarship Brochure for 13+ and 16+ Ewell Castle School internal candidates.
Thursday 20th November 2025: Entrance Assessment and Scholarship Day - for entry September 2026: 11+ 13+ and Sixth Form
Applications for scholarships for September 2026 entry must be received by Friday 31st October 2025 for both 11+, 13+ and 16+ entry. All external scholarship applications must be accompanied by an application form and £150.00 registration fee to join Ewell Castle School.
Current pupils need not complete a School application form or submit a registration fee.
Ewell Castle School offers a number of scholarships at 11+, 13+ and for entry to the Sixth Form in a range of areas: Academic, Art, Dance, Design and Technology, Drama, Music, Performing Arts and Photography (both Sixth Form only) and Sport. There are no scholarships available at the Preparatory School.
Art, Photography, Design and Technology and Music (Composition only) Portfolios: pupils applying for scholarships in these subjects will be asked to submit their portfolios to the School by Friday 31st October 2025. They can be collected following their assessments at the School on Thursday 20th November 2025.
Please note that our Entrance Assessment and Scholarship Day is Thursday 20th November 2025. Any pupil wishing to be considered for any of our scholarships MUST attend on this day and sit the relevant papers on this day, as well as taking part in any subject specific assessments.
For 11+ entry, there will be a further opportunity to sit the English and Maths entrance assessments on our reserve date of Friday 28th November 2025, pupils sitting papers on this day cannot be considered for a scholarship.
Academic Scholarships
The top performing candidates who sit our School entrance assessment on Thursday 20th November 2025 will be offered academic scholarships and will be notified of this in their offer letter. Only candidates who sit the entrance assessments on this day can be considered for an academic scholarship.
Sixth Form Academic Scholarships
All pupils wishing to be considered for a Sixth Form academic scholarship, must complete the relevant scholarship application form which must accompany an application to join the School and the £150.00 registration fee (external applicants only). Sixth Form applicants will sit a Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal paper and a subject paper of their choice from the GCSE subjects offered at Ewell Castle School on Thursday 20th November 2025. Please note that scholarships awarded will relate to subject choices at A-level. Only candidates who sit the entrance assessments on the 20th November 2025 can be considered for an academic scholarship. If a pupil is awarded a Sixth Form scholarship in a particular subject, if they later 'drop' the subject that the scholarship is awarded in upon entry into the Sixth Form, the scholarship may be withdrawn. Candidates must achieve Grade 7 or above at GCSE in all their subjects, not only those they plan to study at A-level. For those wishing to apply for a 16+ Academic scholarship in ‘fresh start’ subjects such as Business, Psychology, Politics, Sociology or Economics, they must select to sit either an English or a Mathematics entrance paper.
Only candidates who sit the entrance assessments on the 20th November 2025 can be considered for an academic scholarship.
Art, Photography, Dance, Design and Technology, Drama, Music, Performing Arts and Sport Scholarships
If you wish to apply for one of the following scholarships: Art, Photography, Dance, Design and Technology, Drama, Music, Performing Arts, Sport and the cricket academy, you must submit the relevant scholarship application forms, testimonials etc. as required by each individual subject/sport, in addition to ticking the scholarship box on the application form. Please note that if you tick the scholarship box on the application form, but do not submit any of the necessary forms by the deadline, you will not have applied for a scholarship.
All of the above scholarship practical assessments will take place on the afternoon of Thursday 20th November 2025. Only candidates who sit the English and Maths entrance assessments, as well as any relevant Art, Photography, Dance, DT, Drama, Music, Performing Arts or Sports assessments on this day can be considered for an academic scholarship. If your child is being assessed for more than one scholarship, they will need to spend the day with us and will be provided with lunch and refreshments during the day.
Reserve Date for English and Maths assessements only: There will be a further opportunity to sit the English and Maths entrance assessments on our reserve date of Friday 28th November 2025. These candidates will be considered for academic scholarships, but no other scholarships can be taken on this date.
Scholarship awards are usually in the region of 10% to 25% remission of fees per scholarship.
See below for information about scholarships.
Scholarship Retention Process and Criteria
Scholarships are awarded subject to the pupil achieving and maintaining the standards expected of a scholarship pupil, which are set by the respective Head of Department and/or the Principal. If a pupil chooses to drop a scholarship subject, the scholarship award becomes null and void (the moment the subject is dropped) as is the remission of fees pertaining to that scholarship. Pupils who are awarded a subject/department specific scholarship for entry to Year 7 are expected to select that subject when they choose their GCSE options in Year 9. If they do not select that subject, then they risk having the scholarship and remission of fees removed. Pupils who are awarded a subject/department specific scholarship for entry to Year 12 must study that subject in Year 12. If upon entry into Year 12 the pupil then decides to drop the subject that their scholarship is in, the pupil risks having the scholarship and remission of fees removed.
To retain their scholarship/s, all scholars must ensure they perform at a consistently high level each School term and have a termly review of their progress assessed against the relevant department’s set criteria and standards. Pupils are assessed according to the scholarship retention rating criteria and a comment from the Head of Department, and any who fail to reach the criteria and standards are given a term in which to improve their performance. Those who fail to do so risk having their scholarship/s withdrawn at the end of the term in which they failed the scholarship retention rating criteria.
Please click on the link HERE to download the the September 2026 Entry Scholarship form.
Important Notice
All candidates applying for a scholarship should complete and submit:
- The scholarship application form downloadable above AND
- The necessary requirements as stipulated by each department in the Scholarship Brochure
Bursaries: Deadline to request a Bursary Application for September 2026 entry is 31st October 2025
Registering for a bursary application and applying for a Bursary
Step by step process:
1. Apply for a place at the School and pay the registration fee by 24/10/25
2. Note on the registration form interest in applying for a Bursary by 24/10/25
3. A Bursary application and cover letter will be emailed to all Bursary applicants by 24/10/25
4. Bursary applications to be returned direct to Bursary Adminstration Ltd by 07/11/25
5. Interviews with Bursary Administration Ltd to be carried out during November 2025 - applicants must make themselves available for interview in order to be considered for a bursary
6. Bursary Administration will return their assessment reports to the School and outcome letters will be sent to applicants mid December
General information
Bursaries are available for pupils in the Senior School, from the start of Year 7 to the end of Sixth Form, as part of the School’s commitment to Public Benefit. Ewell Castle School seeks to offer financial support with fees for as many families as possible, by following Charity Commission advice and providing remission for fees of under 50% (including any scholarship awards) except in exceptional circumstances. The bursary award is at the discretion of the Governors and will be dependent on the funds available to the School and the demand in any particular year.
Pupils will need to satisfy academic entry requirements to be considered for such an award. Parents are required to submit a confidential bursary application - statement of financial circumstances - at the time they apply to the School, along with other supporting evidence as requested in the application form. The School has employed the services of Bursary Administration Limited (BAL) to review the applications and documentation on behalf of the School for the next academic year. This will involve an online interview during w/b 18.11.24 for which applicants must make themselves available (exact dates will be arrange directly with BAL). The resulting report will be considered by the Principal and Bursar and the outcome communicated to you with your offer of a place by Christmas 2025.
Please note that the School reserves the right to withdraw a bursary award should fees remain unpaid. Bursaries are reviewed at each Key Stage (going into Year 10 and joining the Sixth Form) although the School may request more frequent (eg annual) reviews if considered necessary.
How to request a Bursary Application Pack
To request a Bursary Application Pack, please email by 31st October 2025.
Bursary Renewals
Families whose children are currently in receipt of a bursary and are due to change key stage will follow the same process and deadline dates show above, as for new applicants to the School.