High Performance Learning

High Performance Learning

A High Performance Culture at Ewell Castle School 

Our high performance culture at Ewell Castle School encompases a number of initiatives, these involve NACE and High Performance Learning (HPL) and we believe that high performance is an attainable target for all our pupils.  For information on NACE, please click HERE






High Performance Learning At Ewell Castle School

  • At Ewell Castle School we assume that all our pupils can become high attainers.
  • We do not talk about ability, we focus on current performance and future performance.
  • We define high performance as a mix of academic confidence and attainment, personal value, attitudes and attributes and an enterprising, problem solving mindset.
  • We use the cognitive language of Advanced Cognitive Performance Characteristics (ACPs) and Values Attitudes and Attributes (VAAs) to provide a cross-school language for teaching and learning.


For the 2024 Autumn Term Ewell Castle Senior School HPL Newsletter - click HERE


High Performance Learning is a holistic philosophy and teaching framework that has been carefully researched, evidenced and developed over 40 years by Professor Deborah Eyre. She has established that the key characteristics for successful teaching and learning are through deliberate and purposeful communication with an emphasis on practice and growth mindset.  There is the understanding that all pupils have the capacity to perform to their own high performance because our brains are mouldable. With enough sustained practice, this neuroplasticity means we can systematically teach pupils to be intelligent with support from specific competencies.                                                                    

We have introduced High Performance Learning because we believe that all our pupils will benefit from this teaching and learning framework.  It emphasises a practice and growth mindset, and the understanding that all pupils have the capacity to perform to their own high performance because our brains are mouldable. We believe that every pupil can achieve academic success and live a life full of opportunity and fulfilment regardless of their starting point.

As a School we are aiming to achieve the World Class Schools Award, designed for great schools to be even better.

We are using High Performance Learning throughout our lessons and assemblies across the School.

High Performance Learning involves using specific competencies within teaching and learning, and these are categorised into Values, Attitudes and Attributes (VAAs) which outlines the best ways to behave to get the most out of learning in and out of the classroom, and Advance Cognitive performance (ACPs) which promote the best ways in which we can think.

These thirty competencies are generic enough to have impact across all subjects but are designed to be transferable for lifelong learning. Some of the VAAs include highlighting the importance of empathy and how collaborative learning is a prerequisite to the workplace as well as the school environment. ACPs are carefully selected areas in which we can focus on how we learn rather than what we learn.

By focussing on the values, attitudes and attributes that your child will need for a successful life, we are helping to equip them for success beyond school.

High Performance Learning identifies characteristics and attributes that will prepare our pupils to succeed in learning and in life.  By using the High Performance Learning approach, we are empowering our pupils to embrace ambition, excellence and resilience, which will benefit them now and in their lives beyond Ewell Castle School.