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Support Us

Support and Donate to Ewell Castle School

There are many ways in which you can donate to, and support Ewell Castle School and its pupils.  Your generous donations will help to fund bursaries, education projects, and provide additional teaching and learning equipment across the School for the benefit of all our pupils. Below are the ways in which you can donate to the School.


One-off Donation to our Sixth Form Bursary Fund - by credit or debit card 

Click here to donate securely online.

Click Bursaries Change Lives for further information on how donating to a bursary, can make a positive change in a pupil's life


Donate to Ewell Castle School by Bank Transfer within the UK

Barclays Bank UK Plc

Ewell Castle School No. 2 Account

Account Number: 73775631    

Sort Code: 20-29-90

Reference: Your name, donation subject (e.g. Sixth Form Bursaries, Tennis Shoes, Tennis Travel, Science/Maths Bursary, or Kit)


Remember Ewell Castle School in your Will

For information on leaving a gift in your Will, please click here to access our Legacy brochure.



Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer, you can boost your donation by 25p of gift aid for every £1 you donate at no extra cost to yourself. To access our Gift Aid form please click here.